Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Discuss! I know most of you have them...I would love to know when and why and how many...mostly I would like your views on being a parent and what advice you would give someone considering them in the nearer future...yes, that person would be me!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Me too!!!

How often we say that to someone and really mean it??
I have a brown too!
I love Mark too!

I wish I loved my too!
I wish I was a perfect too! (i am not one but I can imagine)

It seems like I spend so much time comparing myslef to the person next to me that I forget that they are feeling the same way. The women in the perfect outfit who drives the right car and has perfect hair is stressed out and thinks she needs to improve too.

For all my mom friends who are trying to be the mom that everyone thinks they should be...That "perfect" mom is tired and stressed too.

I guess I realized that no matter what we are doing and how isolated and alone we might feel in our distress there is someone out there who can look at you with sincere eyes and too!

It feels a little better even if it does not change anything.