Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My Pet Peeve of the Week

As many of you have read recently Rosie has taken it upon herself to tell Donald Trump where to stick it! I personally loved all that she no means do I think he is the moral authority on anything either and what a great lesson it would have taught the young women in the pageant world if he had dumped miss usa on her cocaine snorting and underage drinking behind.

What I have determined as my Pet Peeve of the Week is how Donald responded. Rather than retort on her comments he chose instead to insult how she looked and how much she weighs. Calling her fat and ugly and stating that he was going to steal her really how many of you would let a 4 year old speak to another person like this. Yet again Donald proves he is not worth listening...Hey Donald "you're fired"

1 comment:

jmb_craftypickle said...

I was going to say something about his hair too....great minds

but has anyone been able to watch a bit o'Rosie on the view....she sure makes me laugh! Stir the pot!