Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I love Soda!

I am not sure I have ever really expressed how deeply I love soda...pretty much all kinds. I would rather have a soda than water any day. I like it bubbly and flat, ice cold and room temp. with breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a can, a cup or a bottle. I prefer a 32oz big gulp with a straw but 12 and 24 will do in a pinch. I can drink it fast or slow....if it was ok I would drink it at the gym. I know my skin does not glow like my sister who drinks water above all else and perhaps someday I will see that it has caused all my indigestion, vision and sleep problems but for now there is just too much love!

I love...and will drink before anything else
Diet Coke
Black Cherry Vanilla Diet Coke
Diet Dr Pepper
Diet Pepsi
and yes in that order

If my #1's are not available, before water I will most certainly select
Diet Root Beer
Diet 7-up or sprite
Any fruit flavored soda

When I am dying of thirst and there is nothing else available I will drink
regular Coke and Regular Pepsi

Lemonade and fruit juices are just above hot dog water for me...so next time you have a party and want me to come, tell me there will be soda!


emilyruth said...

i didn't know that black cherry coke existed
much less black cherry vanilla!
& black cherry vanilla diet?
what will they think of next?


ps your skin does glow
it glows from caffiene:)
so so so kidding
you are a beauty
& you use eye cream
so i think we will be just about equal in the skin department:)

jmb_craftypickle said...


I can't believe that you can look so cute and grow so tall on all those chemicals...oh well, there is some in the fridge for you!

darlinggrandma said...

If I know you are coming I will stock up on diet
coke. Not a whole 6 pack since I don't like any
diet drink.
As you know, coffee is my beverage of choice.
And now it has to be decaf. Still good.
If I had to have a soda - I would pick 7-up
especially if it had a scoop of ice cream in it.

Rachael said...

me too! i try giving it up and fail miserabley! in europe we would be walking for hours on a hot day and get a huge coke to share. ah, i can still taste it. nothing so satisfying!