Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sick and tired...

of being Sick and Tired. I had been told the second trimester is the best! you feel all happy and glowy and have all kinds of energy. I call bunk! I actually have felt worse in the last 2 weeks than I did at 6 weeks. I gag all day long no matter what I am doing. I can be sitting at my desk and out of no where a little air bubble and then GAG! Sometimes I can calm my stomach and other times I am off to the toilet. I feel like such a whiner...but honestly I just want to feel better. I want to have good thoughts about being pregnant and stop saying "I am not doing this again!"

Poor hunsband R and kitty Olive are catching it. He has had terrible indigestion and gagged while cleaning the litter box and poor kitty threw up yesterday. I swear this is contagious...don't come near me unless you want to feel the all body convulsion that is the GAG!

i have tried:
pepsid AC, tablet and pill
ginger snaps, ginger chews

they all help for about 20 minutes...then back to the same old thing.

Hopefully my next update will be much cheerier!


emmi said...

Yuck! I'm sorry you feel icky. One thing that I didn't discover until baby #2 were motion sickness bracelets. They look like mini-sweatbands (I know, I know so fashion-forward) and they have plastic knobs that you place on the inside of your wrist. I thought they worked. Maybe it was all in my head. Nonetheless, it could be worth a try. Good luck and congrats again!

emilyruth said...

as you know i was sick for a long long time
both time
so i feel you...

i just grinned ate my honey bunches of oats & complained to whoever was near!

but for some reason i loved being pregnant
go figure:)

i have no advice
hope you feel better soon!